The excitement builds..

The plans for the next few weeks are starting to get me pumped as my own Corolla project is nearing the end. As i am not a rich man it has been a big mixture of buying bits, fitting them, saving up and selling random stuff & then buying more bits and repeating the process. Well this process has lasted two years now! and i can almost see the finishing line.
Due to help from different members of the Brotherhood the project has took shape and is almost finished. Just waiting on some bits to arrive from Toyota & Techno Toy Tuning and i should be able to rev it up for the first time.
It's a car thats got a Sh** load of UK Drift History and desearves to be back where it belongs.

Obviously i'll keep things updated on here, but the excitement is building!



Have you got a good story behind your Project? Then share it with us!
