12 August 2010

The Official Brotherhood Sticker Special Give-Away!!!!!!!

The Official Corolla Brotherhood Stickers have landed and we are going to give some away to some of our awesome readers!


The Rules are simple, The First 5 People to e-mail us saying "Give me a freakin' Sticker, Man!" gets a free sticker! Couldn't be any more simple!

Our e-mail address is - CorollaBrotherhood@yahoo.com

So Let the Games begin!

After the first 5 people have been selected, the Stickers will still be available but for the great price of £2.00 Per Sticker or £3.50 for a pair delivered! Drop us an e-mail for more information.



  1. Only 1 Free sticker still available! Get one while you can!

    Remember - "Give me a Freakin' Sticker, man!"
    to CorollaBrotherhood@yahoo.com

  2. All give-away stickers are now gone! Congrats to the lucky 5!
    But don't forget these are still available to purchase so drop us an e-mail at CorollaBrotherhood@yahoo.com saying "Sell me a frickin sticker yo!?"
