Pic of the Day 3rd August - Walking on Water

Today's photo for pic of the day was a tough decision. For some reason i am feeling particularly picky today and nothing i looked at make me think "Oh Shit! That's awesome picofthedaypicofthedaypicoftheday" But then i stumbled across a sequence of Hibino shot's in my collection and i knew it had to be one of them.
Being a bit keen with photography this photo is the winner for me. Whoever the photographer was for Dunlop on this occasion is a hero! He's made Hibino look like he's just gliding across the water. But obviously, the main thing you guys care about is the Corolla. Big wings on Corolla's are normally no go areas for most of us, But with Hibino's Late 2 Door Levin it just works.

Anyway, Enjoy it..

