26 September 2010

Another edition of "Where you guys have stuck the Brotherhood Sticker!"

I just spotted this photo over on good friend of the Brotherhood and Drifted.com contributor, Ian Gratton's Facepartytwitspacebook page. Looks like Ian's representing the Brotherhood wherever his Camera case goes, Nice one Ian!


I've also made use of my spare Brotherhood sticker. As some of you may or may not not know, I have had a keen interest in Photography since I was about 15 or 16. I always used film up until I made the jump into Digital photography quite late when I bought my old Canon 350d just after leaving College, I learnt a lot with that camera but it was so limiting that I decided to bite bullet and buy something with a little more pimp factor. So I have recently made an incredible purchase and moved onto the stunning Canon 5d Mark ii. As you know I plan to bring you event coverage from the world of UK drifting and needed a lens that could help me do this. Due to my funds being incredibly low I realised that stretching to my dream glass, the Canon L 70-200mm f2.8 USM IS was just impossible. I had to be realistic, So I hunted around and managed to get an incredible deal on a new Canon L 70-200mm f4 USM IS lens.  So here it is, complete with it's Corolla brotherhood sticker ready to represent us at the next Drift Event!



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