The System Works!

Well I post on here bearing some good news. As most of you will have hopefully seen, last night I posted up about the "Help a Brother" Campaign. Since that post I've had a great response from everyone backing the idea, sharing the link on their Facebook pages and Blogs all because they want to see Marc Huxley and the SR powered KE remain in the BDC.


No longer than 12 hours later I received a phone call from Mr Hux saying he had just come off the phone with his new backer's for the remaining part of the 2011 BDC season! I am chuffed to bits that the Brotherhood and the drift community agreed with what I had said in the post and pulled together, it's truly awesome!
So a MASSIVE thank you goes out to Nick Spickett of DriftRacing & Bob Inglis, the man behind the awesome FCD:MP drift days and in the organising team behind AwesomeFest 2011! Those two guys are true Hero's for backing brother Hux and I'm sure you'll all agree that it's brilliant news. Massive thanks to Rich Newton of DB Automotive for supporting & helping the campaign! and also much brotherly love goes out to the folk who shared the post on their blogs/Facebook pages!

So make sure you get yourselves to the final few rounds of the British Drift Championship and show your support brothers!

