Flickr Group - Brother Chay @ Prescott

Here's one from our Flickr group page by user 'magnumleigh' of Chay blasting up the Prescott Hill climb at the summers Retro Rides Gathering.
Check out the rest of Magnumleigh's photostream HERE

Corolla Twincam



  1. SWEEEET! Ive been trying to find some pics and vids of me going up but not had much luck

  2. Thanks for posting up my photo and for giving me the credit/link. Chay, I have more photos of your car from the RR gathering and poss a video/super8 of it from the show too

    1. Not sure if Chay has seen this comment, but I imagine he'd love to see the video/super8 of his car so if you do have it drop us a link to it by e-mail and I will put it on the blog with your credit again:)
      Thanks!, James


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