My Final Post

Right then trusty Brotherhood fans. This will be my final post here on The Corolla Brotherhood. I started the blog as a way of keeping lots of photos and videos in one place, a reference for corolla fans to come back to. A place to spotlight certain cars and their owners. I feel it's been very successful in doing that. I've spent a lot of my time building a structure to the blog and I've real happy with the support from the readers. But sadly time has got the better of me and I have to, reluctantly throw in the towel. I simply don't have the time to put in the effort the blog desearves which saddens me greatly. I have passed the torch onto brother Chay to fly the brotherhood flag from now on. So you will still receive rad posts and updates from us in the future, all is not lost! I will still be organising the charity work for the 2nd Annual Gathering at the Ace Cafe though! I guess I just wanted to say thank you for the support from day one and sharing the Corolla love. See you guys soon! Brother James X


  1. Thank you James for all your hard work!

  2. Thank u for all u have done, I'm a big fan!! I just got my sticker in the mail and am sharing with the northern California 86 group!!


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